Copyright 1996 by Lynna Landstreet. Please don't
reproduce or redistribute this paper without asking
me first. I'll probably say yes if you do ask, but I do like to know
where my work is going.
If you wish to cite this paper in your own work, the following format
is suggested: Landstreet, Lynna. "The Soul of Nature: The Meaning
of Ecological Spirituality." Unpublished paper, available electronically
on Wild Ideas (
This is better than using the specific URL of this document, because I
may reorganize the directory structure of this site from time to time,
causing the addresses of specific pages to change.
Due to the extreme length of this document, I have (finally!) broken
it into a number of separate pages, as follows:
If you want to print it out, you can still find the full paper in one
document here.
All content copyright 1999-2006 by the
individual authors, where cited, or by
Lynna Landstreet
where not specifically credited.