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The world is before you, and you need not take it or leave it as it was when you came in.

— James Baldwin

Well, it appears I've finally gotten it together to make some changes to this site! The new design has been a long time coming, and is really a bit of an interim solution since I'll probably eventually be going over to a database-driven content management system of some sort (likely Xoops or maybe Joomla), but due to the structure of this site, any CMS would need a fair bit of modification, and I wanted to give things a new look in the meantime. Plus, I had grown to hate the frames.

Content hasn't been updated much for some while, but I'm hoping to start working on that now that the new design is up. And as mentioned here previously, part of that process is going to involve putting into practice something that's been part of my plan for this site ever since the beginning: making Wild Ideas more of a community project by involving other people.

Now, I have had some articles submitted by others, for which I'm profoundly thankful, and I would really like to encourage more people to do that. But I'd also like to take it further. I've installed a brand new set of discussion forums, and replaced the action alerts with a news section which will allow other people to post alerts, events, news items etc. and comment on them. So please check out the new features -- I'm hoping they'll actually get used.

I also very much want to encourage serious, intelligent, perceptive, critical writers who are passionate about the subjects that this site deals with and interested in being a part of the Wild Ideas community to get involved! This could involve writing articles, book and/or web reviews, contributing news items, moderating discussion forums, etc. You don't have to be interested in all the subject areas of the site -- picking just the ones you want is fine. I can't offer you money but I can offer you a limited degree of fame, a bio in the contributors section I'm working on (with a link to your own site if you have one) and a spiffy wildideas.net e-mail address.

If you are interested, please let me know. Until then, I'll be ironing out the glitches in the new design.

— The Webmistress


All content copyright 1999-2006 by the individual authors, where cited, or by Lynna Landstreet where not specifically credited.

Creative Commons License Except where otherwise noted, this site is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.

Green Web Hosting by Dreamhost Site design: Spider Silk Design - Toronto web designers
This page last modified: January 29, 2006


Wild Ideas has just undergone a major redesign and restructuring, and may still be a little rough around the edges. Please bear with us as we get things sorted out.