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Crafting The Art Of Magic:
A Critical Review
By D. Hudson Frew (Morgann)
Copyright 1991 by D. Hudson Frew.
Used by permission of the author.
Bibliography of referenced works
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Agrippa, Henry Cornelius, Three Books of Occult Philosophy, Chthonios Books, Hastings, England, 1986
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Butler, E.M., Ritual Magic, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England, 1979
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Farrar, Janet & Stewart, The Witches' Way, Robert Hale, London, 1984
Fierz-David, Linda, Women's Dionysian Initiation, Spring Publications Inc., Dallas TX, 1988
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------------------, The Meaning of Witchcraft, The Aquarian Press, London, 1959
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Harper, Meredydd, personal communication with the reviewer, June 15th, 1991
Hughes, Pennethorne, Witchcraft, Longmans, Green and Co. Ltd., London, 1952
Kelly, Aidan, letter to The Hidden Path Vol. XIV No. 2 (Beltane 1991): 5-6
------------, Crafting the Art of Magic, Book I: A History of Modern Witchcraft 1939-1964, Llewelyn Publications, St Paul MN, 1991
King, Francis, The Rites of Modern Occult Magic, The Macmillan Company, New York NY, 1970
Leventhal, Herbert, In the Shadow of the Enlightenment: Occultism and Renaissance Science in Eighteenth Century America, Princeton University Press, Princeton NJ, 1974
Lugh, Old George Pickingill and the Roots of Modern Witchcraft, Wiccan Publications, London, 1982
Luhrman, T.M., Persuasions of the Witch's Craft: Ritual Magic in Contemporary England, Harvard University Press, Cambridge MA, 1989
Mathers, S. Liddell MacGregor, The Key of Solomon the King (Clavicula Salomonis), Samuel Weiser Inc., New York, 1972
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-----------, The Dark World of Witches, Castle Books, New York, 1964
Merrifield, Ralph, The Archaeology of Ritual and Magic, New Amsterdam Books, New York, 1987
Murray, Margaret, The Witch-Cult in Western Europe, Oxford University Press, London, 1921
O Danachair, Caoimhin, "The Quarter Days in Irish Tradition", ARV: Tidskrift for Nordisk Folkminnesforskning Vol. 15 (1959): 47 -55
O'Ryan, Julie, letter to Protean Synthesis #25 (March 1991): 2-3
Pendderwen, Gwydion, letter to Ed Fitch, dated October 26, 1971
-------------------, letter to Ed Fitch, dated December 19, 1971
-------------------, letter to Ed Fitch, dated February 5, 1972
Peuckert, Will-Erich, "Die Egyptischen Geheimnisse", ARV: Tidskrift for Nordisk Folkminnesforskning Vol. 10 (1954): 40-96
--------------------, "Das Sechste und Siebente Buch Mosis", Zeitschrift fur deutsche Philologie Vol. 76 (1957)
Richardson, Alan, 20th Century Magic and the Old Religion, LLewellyn Publications, St Paul MN, 1991
Ross, Anne, Everyday Life of the Pagan Celts, Carousel Books, London, 1972
Ryall, Rhiannon, West Country Wicca, Phoenix Publishing Co., Custer WA, 1989
Spare, Austin Osman, The Book of Pleasure (Self-Love), 1913, in The Collected Works of Austin Osman Spare, The Sorcerer's Apprentice, Leeds, England, 1982)
Storms, G., Anglo-Saxon Magic, Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague, 1948
Thompson, C.J.S., The Mysteries and Secrets of Magic, The Olympia Press Inc., New York, 1972
Wolfe, Allyn, "Bad News: West Country Wicca", Red Garters International Vol. 19 No. 3 (date ?): 6-7
------------, conversation with the reviewer, June 1991
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