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Welcome to the state where the politics of hate
Shout loud in the crowd — watch them beat us all down.
There's a rising tide on the rivers of blood
And if the answer isn't violence, neither is your silence...
— Pop
Will Eat Itself
his is the area within Wild Ideas for political material and links that
don't relate to either environmentalism (that's located in the Forest), or sexual politics (see the Calyx). A wide variety of issues and ideas are dealt with
here, from media and culture jamming to Native rights to censorship (Internet and
otherwise) to the peace movement, and much more.
So what’s with the name?
common adj [ME commun fr. OF, fr. L. communis, common,
shared, akin to munus, gift, service. (13c) 1 a : of or relating to a
community at large: PUBLIC... 2 a : belonging to or shared by two or more
individuals or by all members of a group... 4 b : characterized by a lack
of privilege or special status (~ people)...
common(s) n (14c) 1 pl the common people... 3 a :
pl but sing or pl in constr, often cap the political group or estate
comprising the commoners... 5 : a piece of land subject to common use: as
a : undivided land, used esp. for pasture b : a public open area in a
municipality... — in common : shared together.
The Commons can be viewed as a stand-alone site, but it is also part of a larger entity
called Wild Ideas, an online celebration of the Wild in all its forms,
from the familiar sense of wilderness and wild nature, to looser interpretations in the
contexts of spirituality, sexuality, politics and consciousness. The Commons is also
still partially under construction at this point; some areas still contain
“placeholder” pages, but I will be replacing those with real content as soon
as I can.
Regarding navigation, the top menu, just beneath the title graphic, lists the
main areas of Wild Ideas. The menu at left lists the specific features of the
Commons. Enjoy!
All content copyright 1999-2006 by the
individual authors, where cited, or by
Lynna Landstreet
where not specifically credited.
Except where otherwise noted, this site is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs
2.5 License.
Site design: Spider Silk Design - Toronto web designers
This page last modified: June 26, 2010